A little bit of chit-chat

Last week, a proposal was put forth by Don Cryptonium to remove the “Juno Growth Fund”. According to the author, the main reasons for such a proposal are its lack of activity and engagement from its members. The author argues that the fund has failed to deliver on promises of communication and has a track record of investing millions of dollars in projects that have not added value to the Juno chain and caused the token to devalue. In the proposal, the author recognises that while there may be a need for such a fund in the future, it has been suggested that it may be easier to create a new fund rather than trying to reform the existing one. 

ATOM 3.0?

The Atom Accelerator DAO has recently launched a new grants program to develop a shared long-term vision and improve the tokenomics of ATOM. The program aims to fund up to three research teams with grants of $30,000 each to develop a vision framework for the Cosmos Hub, touching on tokenomics, liquidity, governance, and administrative services. The research should be user-friendly and practical enough to guide implementation efforts and achieve community consensus. 

Grant winners will have 45 days to publish their research on the forum and engage in separate discussions. Depending on convergence and feedback, proposers may merge their proposals into a single on-chain proposal for voting. The winning proposal(s) will be implemented with funding from the Atom Accelerator DAO. This initiative aims to drive value for the ATOM ecosystem, build a strong community consensus, and enhance the Hub’s role in the ecosystem.

The Road Ahead

Crescent Network has announced its plans to adapt to changing market trends and technologies by revising its second-year token emissions plan. The platform proposes that LP incentives be slightly decreased from their current levels, but remain more than what was projected at the platform’s genesis. This revision is necessary to ensure liquidity for the platform’s new utilities, as LP is still a critical component of Crescent’s growth.

The proposed revisions also include the allocation of incentives to third-party applications with the imminent implementation of EVM or Cosmwasm. The ecosystem reserve will serve as the allocation mechanism, and the incentives will be spent through governance. Boostdrop, another significant design aspect of the platform, will be revealed to users shortly. Crescent assures long-time supporters of its governance token that they will not be disappointed.

The platform plans to unveil its official roadmap soon, but a few glimpses of what is ahead have been revealed. These include Liquid Farming Tokens integration, Crescent Liquidity Allocator Machine, Multi-hop, User Custom Range for Ranged Liquidity, Fiat, Cosmwasm, Boostdrop, and Celesti. Crescent aims to provide the best DeFi experience to its vibrant community in the coming months, as it has always done.


Wrap Up

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A little bit of intergalactic content for you


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